Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Kook Alert Justin Michael aka "J Mike"

Well, since this is my very own blog, I don't feel bad about this post and telling you all to watch out for this kook because he is running for mayor of Santa Barbara.

He lurks it DT, and tries to call himself "Mr. Santa Barbara". HA! It gets me every time. His party Masque, although I have never been, heard its weak sauce. Whateves. I just think the whole thing is a joke, and I know mad peeps feel the same way. Thought I would spread the word because I am almost 100% positive home boy is not going to win the election for mayor! HA!

From the Daily Sound:
"Even though his telephone has a 310 area code, he said he has lived in the Santa Barbara-Goleta area since he was a toddler, and is deeply committed to the community."

Motherfucker this is the EIGHT ZERO FIVE

“I move people,” he said. “I want people to feel like their dreams can take flight in Santa Barbara.”

Move people to the opposite room!

There is no way this guy is going to fix the gang problem in SB. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH

Oh yeah, I have denied his facebook friend request four different times.

Here is for your entertainment and proof that I am not that big of a beezy to be calling this guy out so hard. Even so, SB got my back J Mike!

Sorry, just had to express myself, blogs are authentic forms of expression. Case in point. Just trying to be my alt self. Laugh Out Loud

He says he doesn't care about the height of buildings when kids are getting stabbed in front of Saks. !!!!!! First off, preserving our city and its beauty, and my mt. view is pretty damn important, and his name is Angel FOOL! Get it right. He wasn't just some kid, he is was an SB local skater who wasn't even really involved in the gang thing. Back to the tall buildings, anyone from Santa Barbara loves this rule, to disregard it in such away is a huge insult to the community and the SB city planning department on their efforts to keep us from looking like LA. You want to look at Santa Cruz Island or what?

Trying to reach out to Latinos at Rudys! Go stand on Milpas. Or maybe even better, go kick it on San Andres, at night. Come on! BRAH!

"blog within reason" "going to start translating into Spanish" errrrrrrrrr deeeeerrrrrrrr let me drive down Milpas because I read Cat's blog and wait, let me start talking about building heights blah blah blah ! PHONY! He claims the reason he has a 310 area code is because he was trying to unite Beverly Hills with SB??? Does that even make sense? Can't you go anywhere in the US and have the same effen area code? He probably tried to go kick it with some LA brats and tried to be cool by changing his area code to impress them. Oh wait, did you know I was on Operah? let me say it for the billionth zillionth time! Did you talk about your campaign? NO! it was for domestic violence. Go kick it with Chris Brown.

The Indy on Domestic Violence & Oprah
He beat some chic up 2 years ago!

KEYT Interview
More lame stuff

Bro quit talking about your ego so much and just show me some raw authentic value...like earn my vote don't just promote your egocentric cock on the line.



MissRachel88 said...

First of all, Cat you are amazing! Thank you so much for officially calling out this kook. He really needs to be told because no one likes him!!!!! I feel strongly about this issue because I am a sb local and it is so wrong for him to think that he can just come up on our shit and also how he is doing all of this to gain fame and fortune...not because he cares about sb! He needs a drink poured on his head and a kick in the ass!!!!!

aRod said...

my first reaction to this particular mayoral candidate is to vomit.

good shit, Cat...i'm glad he's running cuz people need to see first hand what a fool he is.

Anonymous said...

Very well said. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the well architected post.

this waste of energy, (jmike/justin michael) is a complete kook. his slogan should be "i waste everyone's time". seriously, i doubt this guy has ever really listened to anyone in his life - given the fact that he's always talking about himself and his past - a very checkered past i must add... check it, just google his real name:
"justin michael slatkin"

i mean he may be in his late 20s, but he acts like a juvenile. so what this kid needs to do is to step out of the limelight and spotlight and produce real tangible goodness that has nothing to do with his self-promotion. he needs to do this for a while, like 5 years. then he should develop a career to earn enough to buy a home in town. then he'll understand this thing called property taxes.

then, i'd recommend he attend some city council meetings, and then maybe even try and earn a spot as a councilperson. then, maybe, just maybe he can run for mayor. but wait, all of that requires stepping out of your ego and listening and guess what, this pud has no clue.

it's a shame that we're all even paying any attention to this caka... we should learn about the real candidates.

peace out...

concerned santa barbara citizen, homeowner, business owner, and investor.

Anonymous said...


pysche!! haha sorry yall couldn't help it.

yea he is maniacally in trouble the poor guy. I don't think he'll ever get it...i wonder. Feel like we should have a system or agency of abuse program that puts an end to people who irritate the community @ unhealthy levels and put the person thru a court system to have ousted. Feel like we can build this in an "all american way" and still keep our American Ways...all in the context of democracy and popular vote.

Nicely said ~ anyways who is this blog chick anyways. Think i would buy her flowers if i knew her blog headquarters.

Anonymous said...

Justin's family is very rich and powerful and might be reading this. He monitors the entire blogosphere and even comments himself. I think he may win. If he wins, I'm moving to Santa Ynez.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA...FUCK IT I'M RUNNING FOR MAYOR AND I'LL RUN ON A CAMPAIGN PROMISE OF FREE WEED!!! J Mike, dude u do look like a fag keep it to promoting parties, where did u even graduate from bro and isn't ur popz an extortionist or somethin'. And get off Obama's slogan u aint black!!! AND FUCKIN' EDIT UR YOUTUBE VIDEOS, u look like McCain when he was questioned about health insurance covering birth control, everyone can see right through u. How do u go from the Santa Barbara Brat Pack to J-Mike for Mayor, I think ur a little confused.

Anonymous said...

wow, has anyone heard if "American Greed" enough said right?? You would think so, creepy, crooked, and consider yourself a fool if you fall into his pathalogical bullshit all you have to do is have a 1st grade education to understand this self proclaimed smarty pants is just that... Self proclaimed. So easy it is to read through his sick intentions, I've sickened myself with the meer idea if him running anything other than his mouth... Crazy, I guess I might as well nominate " the pom" for mayor he's just as creepy less if a liability and a local celebrity in his own right. Oh wait John Pom is already somehow drug infused with a vote for JMIKE this is sick people... SB is not about high tea at the Biltmore, in fact most true locals can't stand the Biltmore (not including the coral of course). Someone otta slap the shit out if that money grubbing slime sucker... Wait lets let him get as far as be can in this then sick it to him in the form of all the dirt we all have on him= prison, the apple does NOT fall far from the tree, in fact I wonder if they will let him & his pops share a cell.. Brianna your a strong girl with a strong voice!! By the way his 310 number is only one of a few numbers he currently has "shady"

Anonymous said...

Full playboy. I heard he has been with over 300 girls. Do we really need Hef in office? Jeeze.

Anonymous said...

yeah he makes people think that. but no chic will ever touch his nasty ass. jmike= creepy

Anonymous said...

I do not know him. But someone I know does and yes he is running! From what I heard, he is totally serious. He must be crazy with all the dirt there is on him. Doesn't he know that it will ALL come out? When you run for any office, anywhere, all your history will come out and everyone will know everything that has happened in your life...good and bad!! But mostly bad. He is a womanizer, he has a bad past. His dad had a bad past too. He is a thief, a liar I just don't know. I think whoever is running against him..I will vote for that person! Mr Micheal will not win, hell he's only 29! No one will vote for him. But he has balls, that's for sure!

dirtycash said...

ahhahah..... Not this douche again.... Seriously, did anyone read any of his mindless rants about electronic music and his shitty parties and how he wants to bring an underground vibe to SB?? I had to delete him from my myspace because I was sick of him whining about his father and how he is making up for some bullshit... blah blah blah.....

dude is a joke......

Its great that you put him on blast too, but lets not give him any more free publicity....

Maybe he can use his dads embezzled money to buy his way into office???? Thats what the rest of congress does....

Anonymous said...

This guy is a high-level piece of shit, (the spawn of an even bigger shit-bag, his father Reed Slatkin...Ponzy Scheming dildo that needs to be taken down as soon as he is reintroduced to the public).

I was born and raised here, and have seen and have dear friends that have been directly affected by these cowards. Given the combination of unethical and disturbing information on these two, one would think that it would be quite easy to "kill two birds with one stone".

Looks to me that the city at large is taking correct action towards the end of this Sesame Street character's attempt at becoming an SB mayor. It pleases me to see the rightful disapproval of such a boyish figure.

Kudos to the Author.

-Concerned SB citizen-

Anonymous said...

Your article was highly entertaining... while trying to conceal my personal identity, I would like to emphasize there could be no bigger schmuck,running for mayor than none "JMike".

I am moving to bullet point format for clarity (read on folks it's good).

1. Has anyone ever seen where Justin covers his educational background (high school and college). I know he went to SBMS (as did I).

2. Philanthropy should be on a volunteer basis, and not be an occupation on your resume (as is on his). If you insist on, "tooting your own horn", at least limit it to interests rather than qualifications.

3. Womanizer... This my friends is where the wheels truly fall off this douche bag bus... Trust me, this guy is not a womanizer... well, some girls may fall for his lame game, but any intelligent women would see right through his act.

4. He is a total DT lurk (well put). One of those guys you always see out, no matter when you go out,or where you go. Selling his BS story to whomever will listen. The whole glamour pics by Deb thing is sooo over done.

5. Long story short, there are some 29 year-olds who would be capable of holding a political office and excelling. However, this yutz, has no concept of the issues facing the economy over the next 3-5 years. Obviously views the Latino community as a bunch of Rudys eating, non-English speaking ignorant votes. (which is his mistake). The word, GREEN is way over used and under utilized how does he plan to "green SB"...

Folks, look at the youtube videos, he's verging on sociopath behavior. I am guessing his Fathers manipulative and deceptive tendencies are coming thorough "JMike".

Anonymous said...

How does the ongoing FBI investigation into Justin Michael affect the campaign? Isn't even this thread being scrutinized for clues?

Anonymous said...

Add The Anti-JMike! Facebook Page http://bit.ly/10e62A

Anonymous said...

Who writes this insanity?

"After reading many blogs, I’ve come to conclusion that this woman who accuses jmike of hitting or strangling her has a definite need for attention. I also know for a fact that she has accused at least three other guys of similar accusations. This is what you call slander. I think she needs to let this go, let it be and move on. Obviously Jmike has and it shows through his campaign. I think instead of people going back and forth on this one issue we need to start talking about the real problems in Santa Barbara, addressing them and rectifying what is wrong. For instance: The plethora of vacancies on State St., gang violence, keeping our oceans clean, homelessness, traffic, jobs and making our city technologically fit for our communities, our kids and our grandchildren. She has pushed this witch hunt so far, that I’m now gathering all my friends and families together to vote for JMIKE! So he has a misdemeanor with hundreds of blogs for and against him. I’m not buying into the confusion of his past. He is on the right track now and that’s all that matters in this city. Look at the alternative: Career Politicos? More of the same makes me sick. Another 8 years of pushing out hard working people like me. GO JM! This race is for all the people not the top 5 earning percent.

Lance Armstrong"

Anonymous said...

he's out of the race!!!

Anonymous said...

the guy is a loser who has a tendency to lie and pose as something he is not. I think he did beat that girl and I am sure she is not the only person he has hurt. He gives me the creeps. He walks around SB like he owns it, but the truth is we all can't wait until his entire family moves the fuck away.

Jim Morrison said...

Justin Michael aka jmike! is a woman beater, and likes his cocaine.